
Service is a special gift God gives to certain members of the body of Christ to be sensitive to the needs of People and the tasks of the church and to pour out their energies by investing themselves to meet those needs.

Please contact if you would like more information on any of the following opportunities.

Opportunities for Service:

Altar Society

 Whether you're at Holy Cross for a Sunday worship service, Easter, Christmas, a wedding, etc., you have seen the paraments that decorate the altar for that occasion. Our altar society at Holy Cross takes care of this as well as the chancel area whether that be linens, communion ware or flowers, etc. We can always use a helping hand in the Altar Society.

Church Library Committee

 We provide a church library with a variety of print, audio, and video media from Christian publishers. This library is located in our present Youth Room. This committee takes care of organizing, shelving, straightening and ordering new materials for the efficient use of the library by the congregation. The term of service is mutually agreed upon.

Church Nursery

 Child care is provided on Sunday mornings during both worship services and the education hour in the nursery. This allows parents of small children to attend Bible classes and/or teach Sunday School. If you would like to be put on a rotating schedule, please give us a call.

Computer Screen Programmers

 Each week, the worship services are programmed on the computer in the sanctuary for presentation on the screen. The program that is used is "Song Show Plus." Those that have some familiarity with "PowerPoint" would find that working with this program is quite similar. A schedule is developed for a number of months in advance.

Confirmation Servant Project Planner

 An important part of our confirmation ministry is to offer a variety of community servant projects for the confirmands. Serving the church is serving God's people. We need adult planners to identify, make arrangements and help facilitate these servant projects.

Desk Top Publishing

 Often times we need brochures, special newsletters, forms and fancy graphics to make our print and screen communication more effective. If you have desktop publishing skills and access to these tools in your home, this could be an opportunity for service.

Financial Secretaries

 Teams of two financial secretaries are assigned monthly to count and deposit weekly offerings. They record the information for the Board of Finance and the Administrative Assistant.

Landscape Maintenance and Development

 Those who are willing to offer their service in planting and caring for flowers, greens, shrubs and trees along with sprucing up the lawn will be greatly appreciated. This type of service could include the Holy Cross property, a member's property, or the property of another service organization.

Lay Reader

 A lay reader assists in our worship services by reading the assigned readings from the lectern. Each lay reader is given training and receives a mailing of assigned readings, the accompanying illuminations and the schedule.

Sound Technicians

 Each worship service at Holy Cross needs volunteers to operate the sound board for the proper sound for the worshipers and the leaders. Training is provided for this technical service. A schedule is developed for a number of months in advance.


 It's hard to imagine a church service without ushers. The ushers help worshipers to find a seat, receive the offering, provide for an orderly flow for communion and many other tasks to help the services flow smoothly. You may have wanted to play an active role in helping with a Sunday service and you can. Ushering is open to our confirmed members of either gender. The term of service is every third month at either the early or late service.

Youth Group

 The Youth Groups at Holy Cross have as one of their purposes the offering of gifts of service to the community.

Please contact if you would like more information on any of the following opportunities.